Web Comics For Nerds & Geeks
Some of the web-comics worthy of following
A picture's worth a thousand words, so here are some comics I've stumbled upon over the years. They aren't all haha, make me laugh comics... some are sarcastic, others informative, and some just plain weird, below is the list of some of my favourites in no particular order. Enjoy!
CommitStrip is a fun comic about life as a developer, especially a web development.

XKCD A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.

PHD Comics
PHD Comics has been around a long time, for Interweb standards anyway. It's a collection of hundreds (thousands?) of comics about university life... and probably a fair amount of other stuff too.

The Oatmeal
The Oatmeal is hit or miss for me personally, but the degradation of social skills of a remote worker is pretty darned funny.

[MonkeyUser] is another funny comic about life as a dev.

Julia Evans' zines are a really cool idea. What better way to learn about an array of topics than in graphic form? Go check them out and learn something new!

Abstruse Goose
Abstruse Goose is yet another comic about random topics... although quite a few seem to be about development.

System32Comics - computers that can talk.

Garabato Kid
Garabato Kid is an online comic about developers, computers, monsters, and life in general.

{turnoff.us} is a geek comic site. Comics about Programming Languages, Web, Cloud, Linux, etc.

That's all folks, do let me know if you think I have missed any great comic in the comments down below.