
Blog posts accumulated over the time.

Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown, the better way to write HTML.

Ratan Kulshreshtha published on
9 min, 1608 words

Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *.

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Categories: Cheatsheet

8 Common Regex

Few most common regex one should know.

Ratan Kulshreshtha published on
1 min, 126 words

Regular expressions are a language of their own. When you learn a new programming language, they're this little sub-language that makes no sense at first glance. Below are eight regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.

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Categories: Cheatsheet

Tags: regex

Workstation Setup Using Ansible

Configure your fedora machine in just one go.

Ratan Kulshreshtha published on
2 min, 209 words

I use Fedora on my Dell Vostro 3560, and I have a habit of reinstalling fedora whenever a new version of Fedora is released thus I have to install many things in my machine and configure many things again and again and sometimes I forgot something to install or sometimes I forgot to configure something so I asked myself is there a way to do this in a way which is immune to human errors or how can I automate all this ?

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Bootstrap Your .gitignore

Create .gitignore files for your project using

Ratan Kulshreshtha published on
2 min, 397 words

Many of us use git to version control our projects and we all can agree on one thing although that despite the benefits git provides, Git is hard = screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is really hard.

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DevConf.In 2018

My first conference as a speaker

Ratan Kulshreshtha published on
2 min, 278 words

I attended Devconf.IN which is the first annual Developers' Conference to be organised by Red Hat at Christ University in Bengaluru, India held on 4-5 August 2018.

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Categories: Blog